'You have to be admitted' - Doctor
Most of you should have known due to the sms I sent out, people e-mailing about my condition and even on facebook. I was admitted to hospital for a lung infection ( more specific, Pneumonia). The cause of it, I believe, was my fault. I missed half a day of antibiotic when I was diagnosed with normal viral infection on the 28th of April. Not only that, I played basketball right after I healed.
I was in the hospital for 4 days.. Monday night till Friday afternoon. It was so boring lying on the bed in the room, and lonely, cause I was alone too until anyone visits me. I did several test, X-ray, blood, phlegm and CT scan. I had to stay 4 days just to ensure that it wasn't TB. Medication was given 3 times a day, which was only cough syrup and panadol. The craziest of all was my antibiotic, which is injected through my drip tube every morning at 5 CRAZY am. Half asleep they will wake me and give me antibiotic. Then they will also do round checks or my blood pressure and temperature.
Another surprising thing is that their nurses are as young as me. I saw their IC number on their tags and most of them were either 91 or 90 on their first number, meaning their birth year. oooo....
Anyway, I'm home for exam, and that is a good thing. So I have to go back to study... Ciaoz