Its just another crossroad.
Its the time of the year again where decisions must be made. Oh well, this time, its gonna be super tough.
Choosing universities is never as easy as I thought. I had actually made my plans but due to financial reasons, things change. I may not be able to go to UK. Prices are over the hills. Taylor's cost 120k for 3 years excluding cost of living. HELP twinning cost 100k including cost of living. However, due to loans being available, I might have a shot at it.
That is not a decision for me to make, as finance is an issue that my parents have to weigh. But I have this huge decision to make on which it also affects my parents, but also affects me. To choose between Brickfields Asia or HELP university. Both have the twinning programs I want, but both have different standards of education. BAC is famous for law, but giving already printed notes, I feel like I do not have to write extra notes. Imagine this, if I give you my notes for Economics for all units, will you want to do your own notes, even if I miss something out? Maybe not.
I was always looking forward to the day where I depend on myself to study. Lecturers are only there to explain how we answer questions, what we must study and giving tutorials and assignments. I do not want to be spoon fed. But my dad seems to look at the written notes as an advantage. Another difference would be the campus. In BAC, I'm studying in the top floor of shops. Whereas in HELP, I'm in a campus. Plus the facilities are different and there are more societies to join in HELP.
Sigh... all I look to now is you Lord. Do help and guide me. I'm at the crossroads yet again. And only You can guide me.